Faith Through The Fire
Paperback Book Amazon $10.95 E-Book Amazon $2.99
To the most part, the beautiful Lexianna Bullock is pleased with her life. Her online business is wildly successful and she has friends and family who love her. The Lord has put it on Lexi’s heart, that she’d know her Mr. Right as soon as she meets him. When she’s introduced to Detective Alonzo Kirby, she does indeed recognize him as her soulmate. But just because she knows that Alonzo’s the man who completes her, God never promised her that she and her Mr. Right would make it to a happily-ever-after. It’s up to her and Alonzo to make their budding relationship work. But after losing his first wife to cancer, Alonzo’s faith in God has wavered. In fact, he’s convinced himself that there’s not really a God at all. Lexi knows she could never be with a man who's rejected the Lord. Will they somehow, some way be blessed to have the blissful marital union that they’re both really yearning in their hearts for?
Paperback Book Amazon $10.95 E-Book Amazon $2.99
Author: Taretha Jones
Format: Paperback
Copyright: 2017
Pages: 202