Blessed Destiny: A Christian Romance Story (Destiny and Faith Book 1)
Twenty-nine year old, Angela Morrison, is saved, beautiful, and fabulous. However, growing up carrying extra body weight has left her feeling insecure in many ways. After she graduated from college, she moved out of state for a job opportunity. When she moves back to her hometown five years later, she runs into handsome and saved dentist, Dr. Vincent Shumate. Vincent was one of the few boys who was nice to Angela when she'd been a plus-sized teenager. He’d thought that she was cute, nice, and likable back in the day, and he still feels the same way now. It doesn’t take the grown-up version of Vincent very long to fall head over heels for Angela. Question is, will he be able to convince her to let go of her insecurities from the past so that they can have a beautiful and blessed destiny together?
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Author: Nikki Smith
Format: Paperback
Copyright: 2017
Pages: 204
Language : English
Dimensions: 5 x 8